scientist” initiatives
Citizen Scientist project allows to experience real scientific assays in the protected areas of northern Tuscany, with authentic biologists and ecologists.
Participants perform in-field biological assays to learn and evaluate the biodiversity of several freshwater, terrestrial and marine environments.
It is an opportunity for cooperation between science and society.
We learn to know and interpret the environment and to discover unexplored skills!
“citizen scientist” initiatives
Citizen Scientist project allows to experience real scientific assays in the protected areas of northern Tuscany, with authentic biologists and ecologists.
Participants perform in-field biological assays to learn and evaluate the biodiversity of several freshwater, terrestrial and marine environments.
It is an opportunity for cooperation between science and society.
We learn to know and interpret the environment and to discover unexplored skills!
The project speaks to middle, high and university students, eco-tourists, trainees and citizens (over 14 years old), to italian and foreigners people (ERSE provides a multilingual support to its Citizen Science initiatives, being proficient in English, German, Spanish, and French). These initiatives can be carried out throughout the year. Their aim is also to strengthen the bond between science and society by providing the people an actual knowledge of natural environments, and stimulate youngsters into explore new interests and perhaps yet-undiscovered personal skills.
See the video!
Scientists along the seashore
Participants will assess the biodiversity of the seashore by collecting and analysing biological samples from the seabed and the shoreline.
Scientists in the river
Participants will perform an in-field biological assay to evaluate the Ecological Status of a freshwater stream.
Discovering Amphibians and Reptiles
Participants will investigate amphibians and reptiles from wetlands, shedding light on their ecology through in-field observations.
Be a Birdwatcher
Participants will perform birdwatching, getting acquainted with the professional tools and watching protocols, and learning how to identify the most common bird species.
Scientists on board
An actual Marine Biology survey from a specially-fitted motor sailor: participants will collect samples from seabed and seawater, and investigate the biodiversity of plankton and bottom-dwelling marine fauna.
Scientists on board – A look to the depths
From aboard our ship, the participants will follow on-screen and interact with a scuba diver equipped with radio and camera: the images from the seabed will be further explained and commented by a marine biologist.
Canoeing like a Scientist
By means of a 20-rows dragonboat, the participants will go canoeing on the gorgeous Massaciuccoli Lake (Tuscany), looking at its astonishing biodiversity. During the trip, they will also collect physicist parameters of the lake water and they analyze macrophytes species sampled with fish trap.