connecting dots
Ecological Research and Services for the Environment
ERSE is a Tuscan company that provides services in consulting, monitoring and analytical assessments
of flora and fauna in freshwater, terrestrial and marine ecosystems, for a correct and sustainable land planning.
Professional analyses about all biological components of the environment
We apply the most up-to-date methods in the field of biotic indices, environmental monitoring and impact assessment:
an integrated approach meeting the standards of the new European Environmental Directives.
“Citizen Scientist” Initiatives
A look at Nature through the lens of environmental sciences
Outdoor scientific activities in protected natural areas:
the opportunity to learn and understand about ecology and biodiversity, using the tools of the environmental biologist.
Contact us
ERSE soc. coop. s.t.p. – C.F./P.IVA: 02429040468
Registered office: via Aurelia Sud 291, 55049 Viareggio (LU)
Operational office: via Aurelia Sud 102, 55049 Viareggio (LU)
Tel. (+39) 375 555 7687 – email: – email PEC: